Mobilt EFOS

by Pointsharp



Mobile EFOS provides functions for certificate-based out-of-band authentication and signing that can be used by other apps with associated eServices. Mobile EFOS 7.1.5 works on devices with Android 7 and above.Mobile EFOS can be used with certificates in the app, issued from the Net iD Portal.Note!The complete solution includes a server component that is necessary for the app to work. The server handles licensing and validation of the cardholders certificate. Connections to various eServices that the cardholder wants access to are also handled there. The server that the Mobilt EFOS app uses is provided by EFOS (Försäkringskassan)Personal data and dissemination to third parties:Only personal data that is necessary for authentication and signing will be shared with third parties, i.e. the actors that provide connected eServices. The personal information shared with third parties is limited to the information contained in the certificates.